Words That Start with the Letter "S": Their Meanings and Importance.

Come, young ones, gather round,
Let me tell you something profound,
About words that start with the letter "s",
And all the ways they can impress.

First up is "see", use your eyes,
Take in the world, it's a big surprise,
There's so much to discover and explore,
And so many things you've never seen before.

Next is "sell", like in a store,
Where people buy things they adore,
You might have a lemonade stand,
And try to sell drinks to the whole land.

"Seem" is a tricky one to understand,
It means things might not be quite as they appear at first glance,
So always take a second look,
And don't be fooled by a deceptive hook.

Speaking of "second", it's all about time,
Like when you finish a race and come in behind,
Don't be discouraged, it's not the end,
You'll get a chance to try again.

A "seat" is a place to rest your tush,
Like on a couch or a chair, you can push,
Sit down and take a load off your feet,
And enjoy some relaxation that can't be beat.

Finally, "send" is how we share,
Like sending a letter through the air,
Or texting a friend you miss,
Sending love and hugs with a virtual kiss.

So now you know, young ones, you see,
There are so many words that start with "s",
Some may be new, and some may be old,
But they're all important, or so I'm told.


  1. What does the word "see" mean and why is it important?
  2. Can you think of any examples of things people might sell at a store?
  3. What does the word "seem" mean and why is it important to take a second look?
  4. How can the word "send" be used to share things with others?

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