The Magical Adventure of Two Best Friends

In spring we see the flowers bloom,
And watch the world come back in tune,
With spoons in hand, we spread some jam,
And quickly gobble up our yam.

We love to play all kinds of sports,
Like basketball and tennis courts,
We run with speed, we jump with glee,
And feel so happy, wild and free.

We learn to spell, we learn to read,
And practice every word and deed,
We speak our minds and share our hearts,
And listen well to each other's parts.

We have a special time to spend,
With family, with every friend,
We cherish all the love we give,
And all the happiness we receive.

So let's enjoy this season of spring,
And all the joys that it can bring,
With spoons, with sports, with spells, and more,
We'll make the most of it, for sure.


  1. What is your favorite part of spring, and why?
  2. Can you name some sports you like to play or watch?
  3. What are some of the special moments you like to spend with your family and friends?
  4. What words did you learn to spell recently, and how did you practice them?
  5. Can you think of a time when you spoke your mind and shared your feelings with someone?
  6. What kind of food do you like to spread on your toast or bread, and what utensil do you use to eat it?
  7. Can you imagine going on a magical adventure with your best friend, and what would you like to do together?

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