The Magic of Friendship

Under the bed or under the chair,
There might be a toy waiting there,
Look carefully and you might find,
A unit of joy to unwind.

It's important to understand,
Where things belong in our land,
When we put them in their right place,
It saves time and creates more space.

When you wake up and start your day,
Don't forget to make your bed, okay?
It's the usual thing to do,
And it will make you feel brand new.

Your uncle might come to visit soon,
And he'll play with you until noon,
But first, let's use our time wisely,
Let's clean our room, and do it nicely.

It might seem like a boring chore,
But it can be fun, I assure,
We can use our imagination,
To make it a game of creation.

In fact, cleaning can be so useful,
It helps us keep our lives peaceful,
And usually, when things are clean,
It's easier to find what we need and glean.

So let's use our time and energy,
To make our space a place of synergy,
And when our uncle comes to stay,
We'll be proud to show him our display.


  1. How did the bear and rabbit become friends?
  2. Why did the bear need the rabbit's help?
  3. How did the rabbit feel when the bear lost his hat?
  4. What did the bear and rabbit learn about friendship on their journey?
  5. How did the bear and rabbit's friendship change throughout the story?
  6. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  7. If you were a character in the story, how would you have helped the bear and rabbit?
  8. How do you think the story would be different if the bear and rabbit didn't become friends?
  9. What challenges did the bear and rabbit face on their journey?
  10. What message do you think the author is trying to convey through the story?

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