A Week of Wonder and Joy: Tales for Young Ones

Welcome, young ones, gather around,
Let me tell you a tale that's profound,
Of a week full of wonder and joy,
And some things that may seem like a ploy.

On Monday, the sky was so wet,
It rained and rained without a fret,
But we put on our raincoats with glee,
And splashed in puddles up to our knees.

Tuesday came with a new sight,
The sun shone with all its might,
We went to the park to play,
And ran and jumped all day.

Wednesday was a special day,
A wedding was on display,
The bride was pretty, the groom so kind,
And the guests had a lovely time.

Thursday came, it was time to weigh,
How much we've grown since yesterday,
We stood on the scales, one by one,
And measured our progress, how much we've done.

Friday was the day to rest,
To recharge and do our best,
We slept well, and dreamed of fun,
And woke up ready for the next one.

Saturday brought us to the west,
To explore and discover the best,
We saw mountains, oceans, and more,
And felt so happy to the core.

Sunday was the end of the week,
But we had so much to keep,
Memories, stories, and laughter,
That will stay with us forever after.

So kids, don't forget what we've learned,
To welcome each day, to take turns,
To carry our weight, and do well,
And make the most of every swell.


Here are a few questions you could ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What was your favorite day of the week in the story, and why?
  2. What did the rain make you feel like doing on Monday, and what did you do instead?
  3. How do you think the wedding guests felt during the celebration?
  4. What do you think the characters learned from weighing themselves on Thursday?
  5. If you could go on a trip to the west, where would you want to go and what would you want to see?

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