The Wise Woman's Words of Wishes and Work

In a world full of wonder,
Where worries can make us ponder,
There was a wise old woman,
Who taught us to make our wishes common.

She said, "Work hard and don't worry,
For every wish, there is a story.
With your words and your mind,
You can shape your future, one day at a time."

But she warned us about the wires,
That can hold us back and put out our fires.
"Without determination and will,
You'll find it hard to climb that hill."

So we listened to her advice,
And made sure to be precise.
With hard work and a little luck,
We made our wishes come true, no muck.


  1. What did the wise woman teach the kids in the story?
  2. Why is hard work important in achieving our goals and wishes?
  3. Can wishing alone make our dreams come true, or do we need to work for it?
  4. What can we do to overcome the wires that hold us back from achieving our dreams?
  5. How can we use our words and minds to shape our future?
  6. Why is it important to listen to advice from wise and experienced people?
  7. How can we apply the lessons from this story in our own lives?

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