The Mysterious Key

Yellow, yellow, everywhere,
Sunshine bright and warm and fair,
The color of a happy face,
That brings a smile to any place.

Your world is full of things to see,
And adventures waiting just for thee,
Dreams to chase, and games to play,
And friends to share each brand new day.

Yours is the power to be bold,
To stand up tall and strong and bold,
To be the hero of your own story,
And make a difference, for all to see.

Yes, you can do it, you're so strong,
You'll make it through, no matter how long,
Each year that passes, you'll grow and grow,
And all your dreams, you'll come to know.

Yesterday is gone, but don't you fret,
For all the memories you won't forget,
They'll stay with you and guide the way,
As you grow older, day by day.

Young and brave, you're just beginning,
A journey filled with wonder and winning,
And though you're small, and not done yet,
Your future's bright, and one to bet.


  1. What was the key used for in the story?
  2. What kind of adventure did the key lead the main character on?
  3. What clues did the main character find that helped her solve the mystery?
  4. How did the main character feel when she finally discovered the truth behind the mystery?
  5. Have you ever found something unusual or unexpected in your own backyard?
  6. What kind of adventures or mysteries would you like to go on in your own life?

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