Once upon a time, in a land far away
Lived a group of shapes, who loved to play
They were all different, and each had their way
Of moving and grooving throughout the day
There was Bent, who twisted and turned
And Compact, who was small and well-learned
Narrow was slim and could slip through a crack
While Blocky was tough, and nothing could detract
Fat was round and loved to roll
And Boxy was square, with corners to hold
Flat was thin and could slide with ease
While Chunky was bumpy, like a sack full of peas
Broad was wide, with arms stretched out
And Full was big, with no room for doubt
They all played together, no matter their shape
And loved to explore, with no need for escape
So if you see a shape that's different from you
Remember that differences are beautiful too
We're all unique, like the shapes in this tale
And that's what makes life such a beautiful kaleidoscope kale!
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