Creatures Big and Small

In a land far, far away,
Where the sun shines every day,
Lived a creature that was slim,
And had a tail that was thin.

His body was straight and tall,
And he could run, oh so fast and small.
But when he got hungry, oh my,
He ate until he was thick and wide.

Another creature lived nearby,
She was skinny and could fly up high.
Her wings were solid and so strong,
She could fly for hours long.

Then there was a friend of theirs,
Who was round and covered in fur.
He loved to roll and bounce and play,
And always had fun throughout the day.

In this land of creatures big and small,
Each one unique, no two the same at all.
From slim to wide, from straight to round,
Their differences make them special, we have found.


  1. What are some of the different creatures that live in the faraway land in the story?
  2. How do the creatures in the story differ from one another, and what makes each one unique?
  3. Why is it important to appreciate and celebrate the differences in the creatures we encounter in the world?
  4. Can you think of any other creatures that might live in the faraway land, and how might they be different from the ones in the story?
  5. What might happen if all the creatures in the faraway land were exactly the same?

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