The Tale of Importance: Connecting, Leading, Investing, and Leaving a Legacy

Come gather round young ones,
Let me tell you a tale,
Of things that are important,
And dreams that cannot fail.

First there's something "international,"
That's found all over the earth,
It means we're all connected,
And have equal worth.

Next there's the "principal,"
Who leads our school each day,
Guiding us through challenges,
And showing us the way.

Then there's something "national,"
That belongs to our country too,
Like the flag that we wave proudly,
Red, white, and blue.

And don't forget the "investor,"
Who helps make dreams come true,
They see potential in others,
And invest in them anew.

Finally, there's the "legacy,"
That we'll leave behind one day,
What we do and how we live,
Will echo in every way.

So lead with kindness, young ones,
And work hard every day,
Because you have the power,
To make a difference in every way.


  1. What are the four things mentioned in the poem that are important?
  2. Why is it important to be connected to others and recognize our equal worth?
  3. Who is the principal and what is their role in the school?
  4. What does it mean to be an investor and how can they help make dreams come true?

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