A Perfect Day: The Contrasting Beauty of Nature and City Life

In fields of green, a tree stands tall,
With fruit so ripe, it wants to fall,
An avocado, creamy and smooth,
Its color like a forest grove.

The leaves around, in shades of ash,
And petals soft, like gentle cash,
They dance and sway, with every breeze,
A perfect place, for fun and ease.

The ground below, in shades of brown,
An asphalt path, that runs through town,
With cars that rush, and people walk,
Their feet so loud, they seem to talk.

But stop and look, and you will see,
A world so bright, so full of glee,
The sky above, in aquamarine,
And the sun that sets, a fiery scene.

As evening comes, and day is done,
The colors change, to amber and auburn,
A perfect end, to a perfect day,
As nature sings, its sweetest lay.


  1. What kind of tree is described in the poem?
  2. What is the color of the avocado fruit?
  3. How do the leaves and petals move in the breeze?
  4. What are some things you might see on the ground in a town?
  5. What is described about the sky and sun at the end of the day?

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