Lost and Found: The Adventure of a Little Puppy

In a world of colors so bright and bold,
Let me introduce you to stories untold,
Of hues and shades that fill the earth,
And colors that bring joy and mirth.

There's olive, a green so dark and deep,
It blends so well with earth's great heap,
And navy, a blue so strong and true,
Like the mighty ocean, vast and blue.

Orange is a color so bright and bold,
Like a sunflower in a field so old,
And ivory, a white so pure and clean,
Like a snowflake in a winter scene.

Khaki is a color like the sand so fine,
And magenta, a pink so divine,
Jet black is a color so deep and dark,
Like a starry night, a wondrous mark.

Indigo is a blue so rich and deep,
Like a peacock's feathers in a regal keep,
And mint, a green so light and fresh,
Like the leaves of trees, a wondrous mesh.

Maroon is a red so deep and bold,
Like a rose in a garden, standing tall and bold,
And lime, a green so bright and fun,
Like the sun on a summer day, shining on everyone.

So go ahead and explore these colors so grand,
Paint and draw, and make it all so grand,
The world is yours, a canvas so vast,
Filled with colors, from the first to the last.


  1. How did the little puppy feel when he realized he was lost?
  2. What challenges did the puppy face on his journey to find his way back home?
  3. What did the puppy learn about himself during his adventure?
  4. How did the other animals he met along the way help the puppy on his journey?
  5. How did the puppy feel when he finally found his way back home?
  6. What would you do if you were lost like the puppy?
  7. Can you think of a time when you felt lost? How did you find your way back?
  8. What lesson did you learn from the story?

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