Lost in the Woods

In math class we learn of terms,
That help us solve equations and squirms,
Absolute means a value's fixed,
It's unchanging and can't be mixed.

Acyclic is a special kind,
Of graph with no loops to find,
It's like a tree with branches spread,
But there's no way back to where you've led.

Amortized is a way to say,
You pay for things in small bits each day,
Like a loan that you take out,
You'll pay it back without a doubt.

Ascent is a climb to the top,
Like a mountain you just can't stop,
You'll reach the summit, that's for sure,
And see the world in a way that's pure.

Associative means you can switch,
The order of things, without a hitch,
Like addition or multiplication,
It's a handy little calculation.

Approximate is a guess at best,
When you're not sure what to attest,
It's not exact, but close enough,
To make a calculation tough.

Asymptotic is a fancy way,
To say that things will scale away,
Without bound, they'll just keep going,
It's a concept worth knowing.

Adaptive is the ability,
To change with things that come to be,
It's important to be flexible,
When facing things that are variable.

Active means you're on the go,
You're moving fast and in the know,
You're not sitting still, you're in a groove,
You're living life and in the move.

Abstract is a concept true,
It's something you can't touch or view,
It's a thought or an idea in mind,
That helps us solve problems we find.

Augmenting is to add or grow,
To make something bigger, don't you know?
Like adding to a list or a graph,
It's a simple concept that's not tough.

So kids, these words you'll come to know,
They'll help you as you learn and grow,
In math and science, they're a must,
So give them a try, and trust!


  1. What did the characters do to prepare for their hiking trip, and what things might they have done differently?
  2. How did the characters work together to try and find their way out of the woods, and what were some examples of teamwork?
  3. What were some of the challenges the characters faced while they were lost in the woods, and how did they overcome them?
  4. How did the characters feel when they finally made it back to safety, and what did they learn from their experience?
  5. What are some important safety tips to keep in mind when going on a hiking trip, and how might those tips have helped the characters in this story?

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