The Adventures of the Dancing Words

Once upon a time, in a land far away
Lived a group of words that loved to play
They had different meanings, but one thing in common
They loved to dance, even when it was solemn

First was "parallel," a word so fine
Two lines side by side, never to combine
Always going in the same direction
Never crossing paths, with perfect reflection

Next came "partial," a word that's neat
It means a part, not the whole complete
When you only need a piece of the pie
Partial is the word you want to apply

Then there's "oriented," a word quite grand
It means to focus and take a stand
To have a goal, a purpose in mind
To stay on track and not fall behind

"Oscillating" was the next to appear
It means to move back and forth without fear
Like a swing on a playground, going to and fro
Oscillating is the word you want to know

"Optimal" is a word that's always best
It means the perfect solution, above the rest
When you need the best outcome, nothing less
Optimal is the word you should always address

"Ordered" is a word that brings some peace
It means organized, like a flock of geese
In a line, in a sequence, in a row
Ordered is a word that helps things flow

Finally, there's "orthogonal," a word so cool
It means at right angles, like a square or a pool
Two lines intersecting, with perfect precision
Orthogonal is a word that demands attention

Last but not least, there's "online" to complete
It means connected, never to retreat
Through the internet, you can talk and see
Online is the word that brings technology

So there you have it, all these words combined
A fun little poem, for young ones to find
Take each word and make it your own
And let your imagination be overthrown!


  1. Which word in the story was your favorite, and why?
  2. How are the words in the story different from each other?
  3. What do you think it means for two lines to be parallel or orthogonal?
  4. How do you think the words in the story felt when they were dancing and playing together?
  5. Can you think of other words that could join the group and play with them?

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