Discovering Words and Overcoming Challenges: A Poem of Perseverance.

In a world that's full of wonders,
There are words we must discover,
Some are easy and well-known,
Others leave us feeling alone.

But fear not, little one,
For there's a poem to be spun,
With words that might seem tough,
We'll make them gentle, not rough.

A weighted blanket for comfort,
A visible star in the sky,
A uniform for school days,
To wear as we say "Hi!"

These things are universal,
Meaning they're found all around,
No matter where you may be,
They're familiar and sound.

But what about unsorted things,
Like socks in a messy drawer?
Or unsolvable puzzles,
That leave us wanting more?

Well, those are just challenges,
For us to solve and overcome,
With patience and perseverance,
We'll find the missing sum.

So remember, dear child,
These words might seem tough,
But with a little bit of effort,
We'll make them gentle, not rough.


  1. What does the poem say about the words we must discover in the world?
  2. Can you name some easy and well-known words? Can you name some words that make you feel alone?
  3. What are some universal things mentioned in the poem? Can you think of other things that are universal?
  4. What does the poem say about challenges? How can we overcome them? Can you think of a challenge you have faced and how you overcame it?

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