A Trip to the Enchanted Forest

When we look at lines, we see,
Different types, as you'll agree,
Some are tall, some are small,
Some are straight and some will sprawl.

A vertical line, it stands up tall,
Like a skyscraper, so straight and tall,
It points up to the sky above,
And seems to stretch on, never to stop.

A parallel line, it goes on and on,
Never meeting, always moving along,
It never veers from its course,
And it stays the same, like a horse.

Similar lines, they look the same,
Like two twins, they share a name,
But they don't have to be side by side,
They can be anywhere, far and wide.

A regular line, it's just so neat,
It's straight and smooth, it's hard to beat,
It goes on and on, without a curve,
And it's so easy to observe.

A perpendicular line, it's so right,
It meets another, like day meets night,
They form a corner, a perfect square,
And it's so amazing, it's hard to compare.

So remember these lines, my young friend,
They'll be with you, until the end,
Vertical, parallel, similar, regular,
And perpendicular, so right and proper.


  1. What did the friends find in the enchanted forest?
  2. Who was your favorite character in the story and why?
  3. What challenges did the friends face on their journey?
  4. Do you think you would enjoy going on a magical adventure like this?
  5. What lessons do you think the characters learned on their journey through the enchanted forest?
  6. What would you have done differently if you were one of the characters?
  7. What was the most exciting part of the story for you?
  8. What do you think happened to the characters after the story ended?
  9. Which magical creature would you like to meet in the enchanted forest and why?
  10. What did you learn from this story?

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