The House of Glass and Colors

In a world of wonder and delight,
Where colors shine so very bright,
There stands a house, all glass and gilded,
And brass that gleams like stars unfurled.

But what's this on the sidewalk path?
A chalky drawing, round and vast!
A rainbow of colors, pink and blue,
Drawn with love and passion, too.

Inside the house, so bright and bold,
There lies a floor, concrete and cold.
But fear not, for in every room,
There's felt and fluff to dispel the gloom.

So come on in and take a look,
At all the wonders in this book.
With glass and brass and colors too,
There's endless fun for me and you!


  1. What did you think was the most magical thing about the house in the story?
  2. What would you draw on the sidewalk path if you lived near the House of Glass and Colors?
  3. What would you do if you got to explore the house in person?
  4. What did you think of the felt and fluff inside the house? Would you add anything else to make the house more cozy and comfortable?
  5. What do you think the people who live in the House of Glass and Colors are like?

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