Magical Mountain Adventure: A Skiing and Skidoo Workshop

Once upon a time, in a magical land far, far away, there was a group of friends who loved to go skiing and ride skidoos. They worked at a hotel as receptionists, and they always wore their smart hotel uniforms with pride.
One day, they were given an itinerary for a special workshop that was to take place in the mountains. Excitedly, they packed their bags and set off early the next morning.
As they arrived at the workshop, they could see that it was going to be an amazing experience. The instructor, a wise and experienced skier, greeted them and handed out their skis and skidoos.
The friends spent the day learning new techniques and exploring the beautiful mountain trails. They even got to take a break and enjoy a picnic lunch together.
As the day came to an end, the friends were sad to leave but grateful for the magical experience they had shared. They returned to the hotel, tired but happy, and couldn't wait to tell their colleagues all about it.
From that day on, the friends made it a tradition to go on a skiing and skidoo workshop every year, and they always cherished the memories of that magical day in the mountains.


  1. What did the friends do for work and how did they feel about it?
  2. What did the friends learn during the workshop?
  3. Why did the friends decide to make the workshop an annual tradition?

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