Lost in the Woods

In a workshop full of tools,
There's so much to learn for little mules.

Isometric shapes are oh so neat,
And coping wood is a handy feat.

The saw blade flashed as it went down,
Cutting through the wood with a satisfying sound.

And when we build a house or shed,
We'll make sure it's well insulated.

A flush finish makes it look so fine,
But a beveled edge adds a special shine.

We must be careful, that's for sure,
To avoid inflammable materials for sure.

And if we need a corner smooth,
A chamfered edge will do the move.

So let's have fun with all these skills,
And see what we can create with drills and drills!


Here are a few questions that could help kids think about the story:

  1. What do you think the hikers were thinking and feeling when they first realized they were lost?
  2. How did the hikers work together to try to find their way back to civilization?
  3. What are some things that the hikers did right when they were lost, and what are some things they could have done better?
  4. What did the hikers learn from this experience?
  5. Have you ever been lost or felt disoriented in a new place? How did you feel, and what did you do?

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