The Happy Creatures of Faraway Land

Once upon a time, in a land far away
Lived creatures of all kinds, who loved to play
Some were glum, with a frown on their face
While others were jolly, dancing with grace

There was a livid lion, who roared with might
An ornery owl, who hooted at night
But the rosy-cheeked rabbit, with a smile so wide
Was always there to cheer them up, by their side

The icy winds blew, making everyone shiver
But the jovial monkey, kept the mood all a-quiver
With his playful antics, he made everyone laugh
And they forgot all their worries, in a jiffy and a half

Kindness is key, to living happily
As the lively creatures all agreed
They played and sang, with joy in their hearts
Till the sun set and it was time to depart

So, remember little ones, to be happy and kind
And you'll always have friends, of every kind
Whether glum or jolly, livid or ornery
A little bit of happiness, makes everything rosy!


  1. Who were the different creatures in the story and what were their personalities like?
  2. How did the rosy-cheeked rabbit make everyone feel happy and why was he important to the group?
  3. What did the jovial monkey do to keep everyone's mood lively and joyful?
  4. Why was kindness an important theme in the story and how did it affect the relationships between the creatures?
  5. What can we learn from the story about the importance of having a positive attitude and being kind to others?

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