The Gathering of Words

Once upon a time in a land far away,
Lived some words that liked to play.
They were all different, but loved to rhyme,
So they gathered together to pass the time.

First came "immature", a word quite young,
It liked to have fun and always sung.
Next was "antique", an object from the past,
It was cherished and valued, but didn't last.

Then "current" arrived, with news to share,
It brought the latest and was always there.
But "archaic" soon followed, with a different tale,
It was old and outdated, but still prevailed.

"Aged" came next, with wrinkles and lines,
But its wisdom and stories were truly divine.
"Contemporary" was fresh and new,
A trendsetter, always trying something new.

"Frayed" was worn and had some tears,
But it had character that spanned many years.
"Advanced" was next, with technology in tow,
It was fast and efficient, always on the go.

Then came "hoary", with hair all white,
And "grizzled", with a beard quite a sight.
Last was "ancient", the oldest of all,
With stories and secrets, that were quite tall.

All these words, so different and unique,
But together they had fun and didn't critique.
For in this world, there is room for all,
No matter how big or how small.


  1. Who were some of the words that joined the gathering, and what made them unique?
  2. What do you think the words enjoyed most about spending time together?
  3. How did the differences between the words make the gathering more interesting and fun?
  4. What do you think some of the stories and secrets the "ancient" word shared might have been?
  5. Can you think of any words that you know that weren't in the story, and what unique traits do they have?

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