The Magical Garden Adventure

Come gather 'round, dear children,
Let me tell you a tale
Of the world of finance,
Where money's in the scale.

A lease is like a rental,
You pay to use a thing
A car or house, for instance,
It's a way to spread your wings.

Inflation's when things cost more
Than they did before
The price of candy, or a toy,
Can be a real eyesore.

A guarantor is someone
Who promises to pay
If the lease or loan's not settled,
They'll cover it come what may.

An index is a measure
Of prices in a way
It helps us see inflation
And how much things will sway.

Inventory is a list
Of things you own or sell
It helps you keep track of things,
And keep it all in swell.

A grant is like a gift
For something that you do
Like study hard in school,
And you can make it through.

A guaranty's like a promise
To pay if things go wrong,
Like if you lose your job,
And can't afford to go along.

A grantor is a person
Who gives the grant away,
Like a teacher, or a boss,
Who helps you find your way.

And interest is a fee
You pay to borrow cash,
It helps the lender make a profit,
And keeps the deal in dash.

So kids, I hope this poem
Has taught you something new,
And helps you make good choices
In all you say and do!


  1. What did the friends discover when they stumbled upon the garden, and how did it make them feel?
  2. What challenges did the friends face on their adventure, and how did they overcome them?
  3. How did the friends make new friends during their adventure, and what did they learn from them?
  4. What did the friends learn about the importance of working together to achieve a goal?
  5. How did the friends feel when they finally found the lost key, and what did they do with it?

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