Title: "Appreciating the Beauty and Diversity of Trees

In forests green and deep,
The trees all stand and sleep,
Tall bamboo sways in the breeze,
While fir trees guard the leaves.

Beech trees, with their smooth white bark,
Stand proud and tall in the park,
Acacia trees with thorns so sharp,
Make homes for birds in their heart.

Cedar trees, so strong and true,
Are loved by all, through and through,
Cocobolo, with its reddish hue,
Is a tree that's quite unique too.

Hickory, with its sturdy wood,
Is great for fires that are good,
Cherry trees with fruits so sweet,
Are a tasty treat that can't be beat.

Ash trees, with their leaves so bright,
Make beautiful sights in the light,
Birch trees with their peeling bark,
Are like nature's artwork.

So let us all love these trees,
And cherish them with grace and ease,
For in this world they play a part,
That brings beauty to our heart.


  1. What are some types of trees mentioned in the poem and what makes them unique?
  2. What role do trees play in our world according to the poem?
  3. How does the poet describe the different types of trees in the poem?
  4. Can you think of any trees that are not mentioned in the poem and what makes them special?
  5. What are some ways we can show love and appreciation for trees in our everyday lives?

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