The Brave Crew of the Commissioned Ship

Once upon a time, a story to be told,
Of a ship and its crew, both brave and bold.
The director was the one in charge,
Giving orders and leading the charge.

On the deck, there was much to do,
The commander barked commands, and the sailors knew
To cover the sails when the wind grew strong,
And to keep the ship steady all day long.

In the compartment, the deadheads stayed,
Enjoying their rest before the next parade.
While the dog on the ship would wag his tail,
And chase his tail, without fail.

The davit was used to lower the boat,
To go ashore and explore, or to simply float.
The division of labor made it all work,
Every job important, no task to shirk.

At last, the ship received a commission,
To sail the sea and complete its mission.
With a crew so skilled and brave,
They set sail and the adventure they did crave.

So, young kids, remember this tale,
Of a ship and its crew, that did not fail.
Each person played their vital part,
And worked together with all their heart.


  1. Who was the director on the ship, and what was their role?
  2. What is a deadhead, and where did they stay on the ship?
  3. How did the crew work together to complete their mission and face the challenges of the sea?
  4. What did the dog on the ship do, and how did it add to the story?
  5. What is a commission, and why was the ship commissioned?

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