Adventures on the Quay: A Cargo Ship's Tale

Once upon a time, on a quay by the sea
A pilot and his crew were as busy as could be
They had to pile up cargo, neat and high
And rate it properly, before they could say goodbye

Their radar beeped, as they watched the range
Of ships coming in, with goods to exchange
The captain checked the cargo, one by one
And ranked them in order, until it was done

The crew then started to rack the crates
Into the hold, with steady hands and no mistakes
They worked for a quarter of an hour or two
Until the ship was ready, to start anew

With a loud horn, they sailed away
And off to the open sea, they made their way
The pilot steered the ship, with great care
And soon they arrived, at their destination fair

So, remember young ones, if you want to sail
You need to work hard, and never fail
Pile up your dreams, and rate them high
Use your radar, and reach for the sky!


  1. What did the crew have to do before they could sail away from the quay?
  2. How did the captain rank the cargo before they loaded it onto the ship?
  3. What did the crew use to make sure they didn't hit any other ships while leaving the harbor?
  4. What kind of skills did the pilot need to safely navigate the ship?
  5. Why do you think it was important to work hard and pay attention to details when loading the cargo onto the ship?

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