The Mysterious Island Adventure

In the music room we love to play,
With all our instruments each day.
We start with a metronome's beat,
To keep our rhythm nice and neat.

We add a layer, one by one,
Until our melody is done.
Using MIDI, we play and tweak,
Our sounds become unique and sleek.

With modulation, we change the tone,
Adding a limiter to make it known.
Through the microphone we sing and shout,
Our lyrics echo and ring about.

We check for latency, make sure it's low,
Add a marker to remember where to go.
Looping our music, over and again,
Until we have it all down, right as rain.

Whether in mono or stereo sound,
We make sure every note is found.
And when we're done, we listen with care,
To hear our music fill the air.

So come and join us, let's have some fun,
With music we can all be one.
We'll create and play, and never be bereft,
Together, we'll make music, from right to left.


  1. What do you think made the island mysterious?
  2. Did you expect the challenges that the friends faced on the island?
  3. How do you think the friends felt when they discovered the island's secret?
  4. Which friend did you relate to the most and why?
  5. What did the friends learn about themselves through their adventure?

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