The Magic Paintbrush

In a region far away,
Where the pulse of music sways,
A band came together to play,
And make some sweet riffs that day.

With their guitars and drums in tow,
They started to create a flow,
And record their music for a show,
Sending their beats out like a glow.

Their session was long and fun,
And they repeated until they were done,
Each note reverb'd in the sun,
As they rendered their songs one by one.

They took a sample of their best,
And put it to the ultimate test,
Sharing their music with the rest,
To see who loves their sound the best.

So kids, if you have a beat to send,
Grab your instrument and make a friend,
Create some music that will never end,
And let your talent shine to the very end.


  1. What did the orphan boy do with his magic paintbrush?
  2. How did the emperor react when he found out about the magic paintbrush?
  3. What lesson did the orphan boy learn about using his power for good?
  4. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  5. How would you use a magic paintbrush if you had one?

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