The Fun-Filled Adventure of the Outdoor Team

Come join me, little ones,
For a game that's lots of fun.
We'll form a team, and tie our shoes,
And make sure we're ready to cruise.

We'll play a game of tag, you see,
And run around so free and carefree.
With our tennis rackets and balls in hand,
We'll aim for the target and make a stand.

But when the sun gets too hot to bear,
We'll cool off with a swim and some fresh air.
We'll ride the waves like a surfer so bold,
Or dive deep like a swimmer, swimming so bold.

And when we're done, we'll throw the ball,
And make sure we have a blast with all.
So come and play, let's have some fun,
And make memories that will last, one by one.


  1. What outdoor activities did the kids in the story enjoy?
  2. How did the kids cool off when it got too hot to play?
  3. What are some other outdoor games or sports that you like to play?
  4. How did the kids work together as a team during their games?
  5. What was your favorite part of the story and why?

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