A Purrfect Rescue: How a Lost Kitten Found Her Way Home

In the garden green and lush,
Grow herbs and spices that we crush.
There's chives that add a lovely tang,
And garlic that makes our taste buds sang.

Mustard seeds, we grind them down,
To make a sauce that's golden brown.
Horseradish roots, we peel and grate,
For a flavor that's sure to sate.

Chili peppers, hot and red,
Bring fire to our mouths, we said.
And if we want something sweet,
Honey's what we'll use to treat.

Butter melts and spreads so smooth,
Making toast a breakfast groove.
Margarine's a vegan choice,
For those who hear the animals' voice.

Ketchup's perfect on a fry,
Or on a burger, that's no lie.
Chutney's got a fruity flair,
A perfect dip for those who dare.

And last but not least, there's miso,
A Japanese paste we all know.
It's salty and rich, a umami bomb,
Perfect for soup, or even a bao bun.

So many flavors, so much to choose,
With these ingredients, there's no excuse,
To not explore and try them all,
And have a tasty time, big or small!


  1. How do you think the kitten felt when she got lost?
  2. What did the woman do to help the kitten?
  3. Why is it important to take care of animals in need?
  4. Have you ever lost something important to you? How did you feel?
  5. What lessons can we learn from the story about helping others in need?

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