In a studio, bustling with sound,
A producer and his team are found.
They're programming the radio waves,
For all the kids to hear and crave.
In a queue, a song awaits,
To make its debut, it can't be late.
The producer checks the ratings high,
And gives it a promo to amplify.
The remote is ready, the countdown's on,
As the ramp rises, the DJ's gone.
The music starts, and it's a hit,
The kids dance and sing, they can't sit.
The beats are strong, the tempo's high,
As the DJ spins, the crowd goes wild.
The pot is stirred, the volume's up,
The music's pumping, it's a cut above.
And when the song is finally done,
The kids are sad, they want more fun.
But don't you worry, the radio's here,
With more great tunes, to fill your ear.
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