The Gizmo Contract: Helping Dad Drive

In an envelope, I received
A letter from my dad, indeed
He sent it from the delta blue
With a contract to read through

I saw a dot upon the page
To sign my name at the right stage
My father, he's a driver bold
His commission is what he's told

He wants to buy a gizmo new
To make his work so easy to do
He needs my help to sign this deal
So he can get his driving wheel

I grabbed my pen and signed my name
And sent the contract back to claim
The gizmo that my dad will use
To drive his truck and not abuse

So kids, remember this story true
When your dad asks for help from you
Don't hesitate, just sign the line
And make your dad's work just fine.


  1. Who sent the letter in the envelope, and where did it come from?
  2. What did the contract in the letter ask the child to do?
  3. Why did the child's father need a gizmo for his work as a driver?
  4. Why was it important for the child to sign the contract and help their father?
  5. How do you think the gizmo will help the child's father in his job?

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