The Wondrous World of Motion and Metaballs

Come gather round, my dear young friends
And listen to a tale that never ends
Of motion, loops, and meshes too
And metaballs that stick like glue

With materials of every kind
Our models come to life and find
A world of wonder and of play
That we can map out every day

We build our nodes with care and skill
To make sure our creations thrill
And bring a smile to every face
As we explore this boundless space

So let's make art and have some fun
And let our imaginations run
For in this world of endless possibility
Anything is possible, just wait and see!


  1. What is your favorite part of the story?
  2. What do you think it would be like to explore the wondrous world of motion and metaballs?
  3. Can you think of other materials or models that could be used to make different kinds of creations in this world?
  4. What kind of map would you create if you were exploring this world?
  5. Can you think of a fun game or activity that could be played using the ideas in this story?

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