The Magical Journey of a Little Seed

Come children, gather around,
Let me tell you about some words we've found,
In the world of technology,
They're important, as you'll soon see.

First, there's "shadow," that dark shape you see,
When the sun shines down on you and me,
It's a fun game to try and catch,
But it disappears with just one match.

Next up is "simulation," a fancy word indeed,
It means a pretend world we can explore and heed,
We use it to learn and to play,
And we can create scenes in every way.

"Shader" is a word that makes things look cool,
It gives objects in games that shimmer and jewel,
It's like makeup for things on screen,
To make them shine and look really keen.

"Scene" is another word we use,
For a place where characters can amuse,
A background for a story to unfold,
Where we can watch events take hold.

"Shine" is a word for light and bright,
Like a star in the sky at night,
It's also something we do to shoes,
To make them sparkle and shine anew.

"Scan" is a word that means to inspect,
To look closely at something and detect,
It's like taking a picture with a machine,
To capture an image and keep it clean.

"Rotation" is a word for spin and turn,
Like a merry-go-round, we all yearn,
It's how we move things in a game,
To make them lively and not so lame.

"Shape" is a word for form and design,
It's how we make things look so fine,
Like a circle or square or even a heart,
It's the first step in creating art.

Finally, there's "script," a word for code,
It's how we give characters a mode,
To make them move and talk and think,
And do things that make us all wink.

So there you have it, some words to know,
In the world of technology and how things grow,
We hope you use them well and with pride,
And in the future, make them shine so bright.


  1. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  2. What was the little seed's biggest challenge, and how did it overcome it?
  3. How do you think the little seed felt during its journey? Why?
  4. What did the little seed learn about change and growth?
  5. How did the little seed's journey inspire you?

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