The Adventures of High-Flying Passengers

Come little ones, gather around
Let me tell you a tale that's quite profound
Of faraway lands and skies up high
And the wondrous things you'll see up in the sky

With your passport in hand, you'll fly with ease
To exotic places, where you'll do as you please
But before you board, let's take a look
At the people who'll help you, from your operator to the cook

The pilot's in charge, he'll fly the plane
And keep you safe in wind, sunshine, or rain
And as you soar through the air with glee
You'll marvel at the sights that you'll see

The legroom may be tight, but don't you fret
Just stretch and relax, enjoy your leisure and rest
As you travel far and wide, from mile to mile
And feel the excitement build with each passing aisle

And don't forget the passengers, they're like you
With hopes and dreams, and adventures anew
So make new friends, share a smile or two
And before you know it, your journey will be through

So there you have it, my dear young friends
The wonders of travel, from start to end
With your passport, your operator, and your pilot too
You'll discover the world, and create memories anew.


  1. Who are some of the people involved in air travel, and what are their roles?
  2. What are some of the places you might be able to visit if you fly on a plane?
  3. How do you think passengers might feel when they're up in the air and looking down on the world below?
  4. What are some of the ways you can make new friends and share experiences with others while traveling?
  5. Why might it be important to have a passport when you travel to different countries?

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