Puppy Playtime in the Land of Pups

In the land of the puppies so bright,
There lived some pups who shone like light,
A corgi with his little legs so cute,
Wagged his tail in his playful pursuit.

Next to him was a beagle with his nose so keen,
Sniffing around for treats, oh so keen,
A boxer with his muscles so strong,
Was always up for a game of tag, all day long.

A borzoi with his elegant stride,
Ran around with grace and pride,
A dachshund with his tiny frame,
Could sneak up and win any game.

Lastly, there was a collie so wise,
With his sharp mind, he was quite a prize,
Together they played and had so much fun,
In the land of puppies, under the sun.

So let us all join in the joyful sound,
Of the puppies barking all around,
For each one is special in their own way,
In this land of puppies, where they come to play.


  1. What kind of puppies did you see in the story and how were they different from one another?
  2. Where did the puppies live and what kind of games did they play?
  3. Can you describe your favorite puppy from the story and why you like them?
  4. How do you think the puppies felt when they were playing together?
  5. Do you have a puppy or a favorite breed of dog? How are they similar or different to the puppies in the story?

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