Adventure Awaits: Exploring the Wonders of the Land

Once upon a time, in a land far away
There were places to visit and things to say
So let's take a journey, you and me
To explore the wonders we're yet to see

We'll start with a bunker, deep in the ground
Where soldiers stay safe and enemies aren't found
Then on to the barracks, where they rest their heads
And dream of home, while they lay in their beds

Next up is the armory, full of weapons to fight
To keep us all safe, both day and night
And don't forget the bank, where we keep our cash
It's guarded with care, and we're glad for that

We'll move on to the airport, where planes take flight
To far-off places, both day and night
Then off to the barn, where animals roam
And farmers work hard, to bring in the home

We'll cross over the bridge, where waters flow
To the other side, where we'll gladly go
Then on to the arena, where sports are played
Cheering on our teams, we're never afraid

We'll end our journey with an arch so grand
The abbey stands tall, and we'll take a stand
Finally, we'll stop by the bakery, for a treat
A sweet dessert, oh what a feat!

So now we've seen, these places so grand
There's so much more, in this wonderful land
Let's explore, and see what we can find
And have adventures, with an open mind.


  1. Which place from the story would you like to visit the most and why?
  2. What kind of animals do you think would live in the barn?
  3. Why do you think soldiers need to stay in bunkers?
  4. What kind of sports do you think are played in the arena?
  5. If you had a chance to visit the bakery, what kind of sweet treat would you like to try?
  6. What do you think the farmers do in the barn?
  7. Why do you think the abbey has an arch?
  8. How do you think bridges are built?
  9. What do you think is the most important thing to keep in a bank?
  10. Have you ever been to an airport? What was your experience like?

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