Adventures in a Bustling Town

Once upon a time in a bustling town,
There stood a tower so tall and brown.
It overlooked a theater grand,
Where plays and movies were always at hand.

Not too far was a temple of gold,
With ornate carvings and stories untold.
Inside, people prayed and meditated,
Their faith and beliefs never abated.

If you looked around, you'd see a vault,
Where treasures and jewels were kept on halt.
Guarded by knights brave and strong,
The vault's secrets would never go wrong.

A little further, there was a station,
Where trains arrived from every nation.
People got on and off, in a flurry,
Going on trips, some long and some in a hurry.

Across the street was a store so bright,
With toys and treats that filled your sight.
You could find anything you wanted to buy,
From a kite to a book to a cherry pie.

Nearby, there was a triplex grand,
Where families lived, cozy and grand.
Each home was filled with love and laughter,
Making memories that would last forever after.

At the end of the town was a terminal vast,
Where buses and planes left real fast.
Students with dreams, all young and bright,
Headed to the university, to learn and take flight.

So, dear children, in this town so great,
There's a lot to see, and it's never too late.
Explore and learn, have fun and play,
And make the most of every single day.


  1. Which landmark in the town did you like the most, and why?
  2. Have you ever been to a theater or watched a movie at home? Which do you prefer and why?
  3. What kinds of things do people do at a temple?
  4. If you could keep one thing in the vault, what would it be and why?
  5. Have you ever been on a trip before? Where did you go and what did you do there?
  6. What are some things you like to buy from stores?
  7. Would you like to live in a triplex like the families in the story? Why or why not?
  8. What do you think people learn at a university?
  9. What other landmarks would you like to see in the town?
  10. If you were to visit this town, which landmark would you want to visit first?

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