Discovering Treasures Hidden in the Earth

In the earth deep and underground,
There are treasures to be found,
Like agate and halite, oh so bright,
Shining in the day's light.

Emerald green, a precious stone,
For a king or queen to own,
With graphite, you can draw and write,
And with quartz, you'll have a crystal sight.

Bismuth, a metal, rainbow bright,
Makes a lovely and shiny sight,
So many wonders to behold,
In the earth, so ancient and old.

From deep below, they all arise,
And sparkle like the starry skies,
So keep exploring, little ones,
And find more treasures, tons and tons.


  1. What are some of the treasures that can be found deep underground?
  2. How can different minerals be used in our everyday lives?
  3. Why is it important to explore and learn more about the treasures hidden in the earth?

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