The Journey of the Little Beta

Once upon a time, in a world so grand,
Lived a little beta, with dreams so unplanned.
He roamed around the city, with a curious mind,
And stumbled upon a capitalist, who was one of a kind.

The capitalist spoke of wealth and fame,
And how to rise to the top of the game.
He spoke of a capital, that was so strong,
And how it could make one's dreams belong.

But as the beta walked away,
An angel appeared, with something to say.
She said, "Money and power are not all that's there,
Find contentment in what you love, and share."

As the beta pondered upon these words so true,
He stumbled upon a crowd, bustling through.
They spoke of an accelerator, that could take one far,
And how it could help one reach for the stars.

But as he watched them, with a curious gaze,
A burning passion ignited in his heart, like a blaze.
For he realized, it was not just speed, that could make one proud,
But the joy of the journey, that makes one stand out from the crowd.

As he climbed higher, with each passing day,
An acquisition, he made, along the way.
For he discovered, the power of the cloud,
And how it could help him, reach out loud.

And as he looked back, at all he had done,
He realized, he had already won.
For he had found, contentment in his heart,
And that, my little friends, is where the real journey starts.


Here are some questions to ask kids to think about "The Journey of the Little Beta":

  1. What did the capitalist in the story think was important, and how did the little beta feel about that?
  2. What did the angel in the story tell the little beta, and how did that affect him?
  3. What did the little beta discover was important to him, and how did that change his journey?
  4. What did the little beta learn about success and contentment, and how did that help him in the end?
  5. What was your favorite part of the story, and why?

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