A Magical Adventure in the Enchanted Forest

In a world of possibility and fun,
There are many things that can be done.
From creating new things with design,
To seeing growth and making things shine.

An entrepreneur is someone who dreams,
Of building things and taking new schemes.
They seek equity and funding too,
So their ideas can come to life anew.

An exit is a time to celebrate,
When an entrepreneur's work is really great.
Their ideas have taken off and flown,
And success is now truly shown.

An incubator is a place to start,
To bring your ideas to life and heart.
With help and guidance, you can go far,
And turn your dreams into something like a star.

An influencer can inspire and guide,
To help you find your place and ride.
They're there to help you through it all,
And give you courage to stand tall.

A founder is the one who began,
The journey and the master plan.
They saw the future and the need,
And worked to make their dreams succeed.

A deck is a tool to show your plan,
To help others understand your brand.
It's a way to share your ideas and more,
And build a future that you adore.

So as you dream and build anew,
Remember these words and what they can do.
With hard work and a heart that's true,
You can make your dreams come through.


  1. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  2. How do you think the main characters felt when they discovered the enchanted forest?
  3. What kind of magical creatures did the siblings encounter on their adventure?
  4. How did the siblings use their strengths and work together to overcome challenges?
  5. Why was it important for the siblings to save the forest?
  6. Do you think you would enjoy going on an adventure like this? Why or why not?
  7. What did the siblings learn about themselves and each other during their adventure?
  8. What do you think the future holds for the enchanted forest now that it's been saved?
  9. How did the story make you feel and what did you learn from it?
  10. If you could add any magical creatures or obstacles to the story, what would they be?

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