Tech Wonderland: The World of Mobiles and More

Let me tell you a story, my little ones,
About a world of tech and fun.
There was a market, with options galore,
To buy a mobile, and so much more.

Each model was unique, with different traits,
The pitch was strong, it was hard to wait.
Iteration after iteration, they got better and better,
New features and designs, it was a tech lover's pleasure.

But sometimes things don't go as planned,
And a company may face a tough demand.
When that happens, they might choose,
To have a liquidation, to recoup their dues.

But don't worry, my little friends,
The world of tech will never end.
New models and ideas will come around,
And the market will always abound.

So let your imagination run wild,
As you dream of a mobile that can do more than dial.
The possibilities are endless, so take your pick,
And let the fun of technology never cease to click.


  1. What is your favorite feature of your mobile or tablet?
  2. How do you think companies come up with new ideas for mobile models?
  3. Have you ever tried to convince someone to buy a particular mobile model? What did you say to convince them?
  4. What do you think happens to old mobiles when people upgrade to newer models?
  5. How would you feel if your favorite mobile company went out of business and you couldn't buy their products anymore?

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