Lost in the Enchanted Forest.

Come children, gather 'round and see
A world of numbers, just for thee
Let's start with the basics, don't you fret
And soon enough, you'll be a math whiz yet!

First, let's learn about the mean
It's just the average, in between
Add up all the numbers, then divide
By how many there are, and you'll have it right!

Next, we'll talk about the mode
It's the number that appears the most, you know
Look for the one that's repeated most often
And you'll have your mode, no need to soften.

Now let's talk about the median
It's the middle number, when you're given
A list of numbers, all in a row
Just find the middle, and you're good to go.

A matrix is a fancy word
For a group of numbers, all in a herd
Organized in rows and columns, you see
A helpful tool, for math like a key.

An iteration is a fancy way
Of saying "do it again," okay?
When you have a process you need to repeat
Just do it over and over, until it's complete.

An interval is a range of numbers, true
Between two points, just for you
It's handy when you need to measure
And find out how much, you need to treasure.

A link is a connection, between two things
Like a chain, that connects and brings
Together two parts, in harmony
A useful tool, in math and in symmetry.

A list is just what it sounds like
A group of things, all in a hike
List them out, and you'll have them in sight
An orderly way, to make things right.

Height is a measurement, from bottom to top
How tall something is, just don't stop
Measuring until you've reached the peak
And you'll have the height, that you seek.

A leaf is a part of a plant, you know
It's flat and green, and helps it grow
Plants use them to make food, it's true
And they're important to all, me and you.

Language is a way, that we communicate
With words and signs, we participate
In the world around us, with ease
Using language, our thoughts we release.

Now you know some math words, kids
And all the secrets, they forbid
Keep practicing, and you'll do just fine
And soon enough, you'll be a math whiz, in no time!


  1. What challenges did the young adventurer face while trying to find their way out of the Enchanted Forest?
  2. How did the magical creature help the adventurer get back home?
  3. What did the adventurer learn about themselves while on their journey?
  4. What would you do if you were lost in a magical forest?
  5. What do you think makes a good adventure story?

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