The Magical Kitchen Sink Adventure

Let me tell you a story, dear young ones,
Full of words that will make you have fun.

Once upon a time, in a kitchen sink,
Were dishes piled up, oh my, what a thing!

So, we took them out, one by one in sequence,
And placed them on a rack with great reverence.

Then we gave them a rotation,
So each dish could have a new position.

We added up the numbers, the sum we got,
To see how many dishes we had, a lot!

But wait, what's that growing in the pot?
A carrot, a beet, and a little radish dot.

Their roots were strong, their colors bright,
A healthy snack, a real delight.

Now, let's sort them by their shape,
A carrot stick, a beet slice, no need for tape.

Let's take a moment for relaxation,
And enjoy our little vegetable creation.

We'll cut them into a segment,
And take a bite, it's a perfect moment.

Our table is set, our tummies are full,
We had fun with words, let's go, time to be cool!


  1. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  2. Why do you think it's important to sort things by shape or size?
  3. How did the friends make doing the dishes fun?
  4. Can you think of other ways to relax and take a break during a busy day?
  5. Why is it important to eat healthy snacks like vegetables?

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