The Union of Friends: A Tournament Adventure

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a little group of friends who loved to play.
They formed a union, strong and true,
And always stood by each other, no matter what they do.

One day, while gazing out the window,
They noticed a tournament in the meadow.
There were games of every sort,
And the winners were celebrated with much support.

The kids decided to join in the fun,
But first, they had to make sure they had won.
They practiced hard, and lifted weights,
And ran and jumped until they could hardly wait.

Finally, the day of the tournament arrived,
And the little group of friends were energized.
They worked together, just like a trie,
And cheered each other on with every try.

In the end, they didn't win the tail,
But they were proud of how far they set sail.
They learned that victory isn't everything,
And friendship and teamwork are worth cherishing.

As they walked back home, they saw a tall tree,
With branches reaching up high like a vertex, you see.
They climbed up and sat on a branch so high,
And laughed and talked as the sun set in the sky.

The little group of friends, so happy and content,
Knew that their bond was the best thing heaven sent.
They hugged each other and said goodnight,
And promised to always keep their union tight.


  1. What did the group of friends do to prepare for the tournament, and how did they work together during the games?
  2. What did the group learn about the importance of teamwork and friendship during their adventure?
  3. What did the tall tree with the vertex and branches represent in the story?
  4. Have you ever participated in a tournament or competition? How did you feel about it?
  5. How can you apply the lessons learned by the group of friends in the story to your own life and friendships?

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