Rasp's Journey to Recovery

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Rasp. Rasp lived in a beautiful forest with his friends, the ravvets. They would play and sing all day long.

One day, Rasp fell from a tree and broke his wing. The ravvets tried to help, but they didn't know what to do. They decided to take Rasp to the animal rehabilitation center to get better.

At the rehab, the doctor put a cast on Rasp's wing and gave him special exercises to do every day. Rasp was determined to get better and fly again. He worked hard every day and before he knew it, his wing was all better.

The doctor told Rasp that he was ready to go back to the forest. Rasp was so happy! He wanted to show his friends that he was all better. On his way back to the forest, Rasp came across a tree that was covered in resin. The resin was so shiny and beautiful that Rasp couldn't resist singing a little song.

The ravvets heard Rasp singing and they came running to see what was going on. When they saw Rasp, they were so happy to see that he was all better. They all sang and played together, and Rasp was grateful to be back with his friends.

From that day on, Rasp never forgot the importance of taking care of himself and working hard to get better. And whenever he saw resin, he would always stop and sing a little song, just like he did that day.


  1. What happened to Rasp that made him go to the animal rehabilitation center?
  2. How did Rasp get better?
  3. What did Rasp learn from his experience?
  4. Why did Rasp sing when he saw the resin?
  5. What did Rasp's friends do when they heard him singing?

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