The Spooky Creatures of the Night

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
There were creatures that came out to play.
Some were spooky and some were bright,
But all of them gave quite a fright.

There was a phantasm with a ghostly face,
And an apparition that haunted a space.
An angel with wings that glittered with gold,
And a phantom whose stories were often told.

A demon with horns and an evil grin,
And a ghoul with a hunger deep within.
These creatures roamed the land at night,
But they never gave up without a fight.

For each of them had a unique power,
That helped them through the darkest hour.
And though they may seem scary and bold,
They each had a heart made of gold.

So if you see one of these creatures at night,
Don't be afraid, just smile and say hi.
For though they may be phantoms and more,
They're friends you can count on to the core.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What unique powers did each character have?
  3. Were the characters scary or friendly? Why?
  4. What message do you think the author was trying to convey through the story?
  5. Which character did you like the most, and why?
  6. If you could be any of these creatures, which one would you choose to be and why?
  7. What would you do if you saw one of these creatures in real life?
  8. Can you think of any other spooky creatures that were not mentioned in the story?
  9. How did the story make you feel?
  10. Would you want to read more stories about these characters? Why or why not?

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