The Battle of the Bastion

In a field of green and brown
A battle rages, all around
Soldiers march with bayonets high
Ready to fight, to live or die

The enemy waits, in ambush sly
Their bastion strong, hard to pry
But our forces stand in alignment tight
Ready to give it their all, with all their might

The artillery roars, the battery fires
As bombs rain down, our hearts inspire
The base we hold, with all our might
A stronghold, through day and night

The enemy attacks, a barrage intense
But we stand firm, with no pretense
Axes raised, we charge ahead
Our spirits strong, we won't be led

And as the smoke clears, the battle won
We know we fought, and we've won
For in our hearts, we held the key
To defend our land, and to be free.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about "The Battle of the Bastion":

  1. What do you think it means to be brave?
  2. What kind of weapons did the soldiers use in the story?
  3. How do you think the soldiers on each side were feeling during the battle?
  4. Do you think it's important to defend your home and protect the people you care about? Why or why not?
  5. If you were a soldier in this battle, what would you do to stay safe and help your team win?

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