The Little Troops' Big Win

In a land of make-believe,
There marched a group of troops.
With drills and formations, they would weave
A strategy to make the villains stoop.

The leader shouted out commands,
To flank and form an enfilade.
The distance between each in the ranks
Was crucial for the plan to be made.

One group moved out in echelon,
Another filed into the rear.
They moved in perfect unison,
As if they had no fear.

Their enemy sent out a drone,
To try and catch them off guard.
But they were too well honed,
Their movements were never hard.

The troops were like an envelope,
Surrounding the enemy's fort.
With extraction as their hope,
They knew they had the upper sort.

In the end, they won the day,
The villains had to flee.
And the troops marched on their way,
Proud of their victory.


  1. Who were the characters in the story?
  2. What was the goal of the troops?
  3. What kind of strategy did the troops use to win the battle?
  4. How did the troops work together to achieve victory?
  5. What lesson can we learn from the story about teamwork and preparation?

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