The Brave Soldiers: Defenders of Freedom

In a land far away, in a time long ago
There were brave soldiers, all in a row
They carried their weapons, with pride and might
Ready for battle, to defend what's right

There was the pistol, small and sleek
Fired with precision, never too weak
The pike was long, with a pointed tip
It kept the enemy at a safe trip

The mortar was loud, with a deafening sound
Its power could level an entire ground
The phalanx stood tall, with shields in hand
Protecting their comrades, a united band

The raid was sudden, but they were prepared
Their outwork strong, and the enemy scared
The ordnance was deadly, but used with care
Their aim was true, their victory rare

In their ranks were heroes, brave and true
And in their pockets, memories they drew
Of battles won, and comrades lost
But never once did they count the cost

So let us remember, these soldiers so bold
Who fought for our freedom, and stories untold
And hope that we never need to resort
To using napalm, or any such last resort.


  1. What are some of the weapons that the soldiers carry in the story?
  2. Why are soldiers important for a country?
  3. What do you think the word "phalanx" means?
  4. What are some of the qualities that make a soldier brave?
  5. Do you think it's important to remember the sacrifices that soldiers make? Why or why not?

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