Lost in the Wilderness

Come one, come all, let's make some sound
With instruments that can be found
A horn to blow and make some noise
And strings that sing for girls and boys

A snare to tap, a beat to keep
And oboes that can play so sweet
Marimbas that ring out in glee
And saxophones so smooth and free

Pianos to play a melody
And piccolos, so small and pretty
Each one unique, with its own charm
Together, we can make music warm

So let's all play, and have some fun
Let's make some noise, until we're done
And when we're done, we'll all agree
That music is the best it can be!


  1. What are some important things to do before going on a hiking trip to help prevent getting lost?
  2. How did the group work together to try to find their way back to civilization?
  3. What challenges did the hikers face while they were lost in the wilderness, and how did they overcome them?
  4. What are some important survival skills that the hikers used during their time in the wilderness?
  5. How do you think the hikers felt once they were safely back home, and what lessons do you think they learned from their experience?

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