Adventure Awaits: The Storyteller's Tale

Once upon a time, in a world of wonder,
Where stories were told, and dreams asunder,
There lived a supervisor, who loved to create,
A world full of adventures and things that are great.

He had a stock of ideas, as far as he could see,
Of heroes and villains, and creatures so free,
He used a storyboard, to map out his plans,
And made sure to add lots of stunts and fun dance.

With a spec in his hand, he began to design,
A world full of magic, that would simply shine,
And with a squib, he added some sparks,
To make sure that his stories hit the mark.

He added some sound, to make it more real,
To take us on a journey, to show us what he feels,
And with great speed, we journeyed along,
Through tales of wonder, where we all belong.

So when you hear a story, just like this one,
Remember the magic, and all the fun,
And if you want to create, just like our friend,
Grab a pen and paper, and let your imagination ascend!


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What does the supervisor use to plan out his adventures?
  3. What are some of the things the supervisor adds to his stories to make them exciting?
  4. How do you think the supervisor feels when he creates a new adventure?
  5. Can you think of a story you would like to create, and what elements would you include to make it exciting?

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